My story: From Harlow. For Harlow.

Harlow is and always will be my home.

My grandparents moved here from East London in 1964, swapping the smog of the city for fresh air and, in time, a home of their own thanks to Mrs Thatcher’s right-to-buy.

My mum was a teacher at Jerounds Primary School and my dad worked at the Smiths factory in the Pinnacles. With my younger brother, I spent my early years in a cosy one-bed flat in Katherines before moving to Old Harlow.

I went to school at Fawbert and Barnard's, took ballet classes at Brenda Taylor’s, and had a Saturday job at Dorringtons.

Growing up in Harlow, I learnt the importance of community, personal responsibility and hard work. I believe that with the right support and encouragement, everyone should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential and make their own lives, as they wish to.

Fourteen years ago, Robert Halfon gave me my first opportunity in politics. I wrote him a letter, he invited me for some work experience and I ended up running his office.

Since then, I have served as an adviser to two Leaders of the House of Lords, been Director of Policy for a research institution and built up years of experience working across parliament, government, policy and law.

I know how to get things done and I can deliver for you from day one.

Having worked in Parliament and Government, I’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. I understand why people have been turned off of politics. But I’m not one of them, I’m one of you.

I’m standing to be your Member of Parliament because I love Harlow, I want to fight for you, and I know how to make your voices heard in Westminster.

I look forward to speaking to as many of you as possible over the next few weeks and I hope you will consider lending me your vote. I will work for you day and night and I will not let you down.

With my very best wishes,
